System Programmer are mainly writing the kennel part, which
is the hardest part of the system, they need to design the architecture
of the OES, designing a set of rule also writing a set of API(we
will show you at appendix A) for the Modules or Theme Programmer
and the normal users to follow.
Modules or Theme Programmer are base on a set
of rule designed by System Programmer, they can use the set
of API to create their modules of theme for the user, absolutely,
we will going on to develop more module for the user use, and
will release at our OES official website later.
are the client we need to satifact their needs, they need to
provide their comment of the system, so that the System and
modules programmers can base on their needs to import the system.
The percentage means the participate of the user, module and
theme programmer and system programmer and designer in the development
of the OES.
figure show that, the OES is mainly for three different group
of people use, User, Modules or Theme Prgrammer or System Programmer
and Designer.
structure of OES is organized in modules, all the files are
in fact managed from a few others that are located in the Home
Page and include, according to the parameters passed to them,
the demanded module.
is in fact not possible to call a module by calling a direct
path to it. This is so in order to make installation easier,
render the graphics management more independent (otherwise we
would have to change the path of the images each time we position
ourselves in an internal directory), have only a few files in
the root directory and render the system more secure.
is being called, as I said, through parameters (strings) passed
to the modules.php file which specify in the files to be included.
If for example we want to call the Topics module, the string
to be passed should be
The command that is sent this way is "includes
in the page created by modules.php this file is located at the
folder ./admin/ and it will call the category folder and module_name
folder ./admin/modules/module_name/", to run the first
executive file which you define in the module.php file.
The other files present in the OES root directory (./admin)
• index.php: mange the layout of the admin page.
• file.php:
• test.php: